Текст песни Judas Priest — Parental Guidance
You say I waste my life away, but I live
it to the full
And how would you know anyway,
you№re just mister dull
Why don№t you get into the things we
do today
You could lose twenty years right
away, so we say
We don№t need, no, no no no parental
guidance here
Every day you scream at me to turn the music low
Well if you keep on screaming, you№ll
make me deaf you know.
You always chew me out, because I
stay out late
Until your three-piece suit comes back
in date, get one thing straight
There№s no communication. I№m tired
of explanation
Is this message getting through
You went through the same thing too
Don№t you remember what it№s like to
lose control
Put on my jacket - for you get too old.
Let№s rock n№ roll.